Hello PA!

This morning we enjoyed a breakfast at the hotel and then hit the road to D.C.! 

We rented scooters to travel easier around and sightsee. We started at the Lincoln memorial! The kids were very prepared to march up those stairs! 
I'm always in awe of these!! The kids love counting the stairs and reading the walls.  
How about the monument!  It was actually open today but the security guards said that people have been waiting since 6am to get into the monument!!
We got to go into one of the Smithsonian museums!  (They were closed last year due to covid). 
We saw some great displays!! It was great to experience this! 

The WW2 memorial always has us in awe!! It's so moving, yet so peaceful.  The kids ask questions,  especially when reading the gold star memorial. They know about it from a basic point of view but they'll understand someday. 
Of course we found Massachusetts!  
We didn't see the president, we expect he is working hard,  but the kids were thinking that he was on a lunch break or something! 
We made it to Hershey and got right in the pool!  The kids are two serious little fishies! 
Tomorrow we go to Hershey!!!


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